Sunday, April 28, 2013

A motorcycle Dream

Okay, I know I already shared a story featuring my daughter. I do have a son. The newest news for him is, he is climbing the stairs and teething. Not much but I am sure in the future I will share a story with him as the main character.

Now on to what happened this afternoon. We were on our way home from Sunday evening church and we had a 'pack' of motorcycles whiz passed. I pointed them out to Penny in the back seat. And here is how the reaction went.

"yay!" exclaims Penny. They whiz by...then no more...."more, Momma more"

"There are no more Baby," I tell her. She folds her little hands "Pwweeeeaaassse" she begs. "Sorry sweetie, maybe you can ask Daddy to show you some pictures of motorcycles on the computer when we get home."

"I will" she huffed "Daddy show me." And she promptly crossed her arms. So we finish our drive home. I take her out of the car and she heads up the stairs and Daddy opened the door for her.
The moment she is inside she asked "bicyles puter Daddy pease?"
 He looks to me for translation. "She wants to see pictures of motorcycles on the computer."
He looks down at penny and explains to her he has to go to the store and to pick up super. "Right after I return from getting super we'll look at motorcycles," Daddy replies. Daddy left. I distract Penny with the thoughts of a Veggie Tale movie. I hear a motorcycle outside. Our neighbor's brother comes rolling up and parks. I lift Penny up so she can see the bike. 

"Pease Momma I see it?" she folded her hands "pweeaasse" she begged. So I took her to the stairs and warned Ms. Hellen she was coming down. Scooped up Danny and out we went. Rodger carried Penny over and sat her down on the motorcycle. The grin Penny had was priceless. She clapped her hands and cheered. So I caught a few pictures of Penny on a motorcycle. It was a moment in time that was priceless and will always be remembered. 

Do you think we may have a biker in the future?? (If Daddy will permit it)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Little helper

I would like to share the joy that is my daughter. She is 2 1/2 and ready to take on the world. Penelope is very 'ahead' of the game in many areas. She is our little over achiever. Penny is at times too smart for her own good. Yes, that means she keeps Momma and Daddy on our toes!

We have been working with the alphabet and sitting to learn for school. To her it is a fun game. Which, I’m very happy about. It means when school really does begin, she will think it fun to go.  As learning as progressed, we add in 'NEW' learn tools. Scissors are the latest tool, along with a pencil. Penny does really well with writing with the pencil. We are just starting to follow dotted lines of the letter shapes. The scissors are chopping up every piece of paper I give her, including a few I didn't. Each time she uses them, she gets better with them. 

Friday was a 'work' day, as most days are and she wanted to help me 'work'. She is hard working. ☺ Together we came up with a plan. I cut up the sock left overs into the stuffing that is used for the sock animals. Well, we tested her little safety scissors. And surprisingly they CUT sock fabric!! So I put her to 'work'. The seriousness that manifested in my daughter was amazing. She turned super focused and cut, cut, and cut, till the sock remnants were in the bag. I was amazed at how fast she completed the task. A few hours, as she did get distracted by her brother, me, and the TV show Sesame Street. I only took one photo but it is one I will always treasure.

I am so thankful I have a daughter who will to help Momma out. ☺ She is a treasure. Now if we can get her to start helping pick up the toys every night...we'd be golden. ☺

Friday, April 26, 2013


Hi! Welcome to Kiser Krafts brand new blog! I very excited about this new venture I am taking on. Blogging…who knew I’d be doing it!?!

First, let me introduce myself. I am Kelly Kiser and I craft. Pretty simple, huh? Let me expound on it a little more. I am a wife, Mother, and a homemaker. You guessed right, life can get crazy at times. But that my dear friend is where crafting comes in. It helps me stay sane, calm, and able to function as a Mom. I do all kinds of craft mediums: sewing, crochet, knitting, scrap-booking, and card-making, cooking and fixing whatever might have been in the path of the ‘tiny tornadoes’, we call children.

Second, let me introduce you to Kiser Krafts. It is a little home based business that sells handmade, Eco-friendly items. While most things are centered on children, adult things are included as well. Kiser Krafts is a way for me as a Mom to stay at home with the children and still contribute to the household needs. Above all, Kiser Krafts loves to see adoptions happen and items sent to all around the world to cheer someone’s day.  

Third, I like to tell you just a little about what I craft or make for Kiser Krafts shop ( ). The main thing is Penny’s Pets, adorable sock animals. They are hand stitched (no machines to help save energy) animals for children to play with (adults too). Other things include crochet items that I get inspired to make. Each item is made with thought, time, and care for the best possible quality. While I have a set product line, I am still open to new ideas and suggestions.

Mostly everything I do is to help my little family. After all, they make my life worth living.