Goals for February:
- Make and add 5 new products - FAIL - So I did 2 products and started 3...
Blog 3 per week - minimum- Okay-ish - almost 3 per weekStart writing down and keeping a book -Success!go through my belongings and organize it- FAIL- donate clothes and shoes I no longer wear - FAIL
- Clean up and organize my craft supplies - Okay-ish - got it cleaned up & organized to start NEW projects to mess it up again
Stay on top of networking, group, responsibilities- Success!
You can join in too...just click on the photo it will take you to the original link up for the month.
- make stock for up coming show & to stock shop
- make, photograph, & list NEW products
- Type up & send out first Krazy Newletter
- Make myself a dress with the gifts hubby has given me
- organize & clean up my closet