Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March Goals

Did you set goals for last month? I did, so lets recap how I did and set new goals for March, '15.

Goals for February:
  • Make and add 5 new products  - FAIL - So I did 2 products and started 3...
  • Blog 3 per week - minimum - Okay-ish - almost 3 per week
  • Start writing down and keeping a book -  Success!
  • go through my belongings and organize it - FAIL
  • donate clothes and shoes I no longer wear - FAIL
  • Clean up and organize my craft supplies - Okay-ish - got it cleaned up & organized to start         NEW projects to mess it up again
  • Stay on top of networking, group, responsibilities - Success!
Remember I told you about two new blogs, My So-Called Chaos and A Peek at Karen's World, that I met? They keep on inspiring me to grow in my blogging reality.(Also The Nerdy Fox blog posted her March goals) I am so glad they are hosting a 'Goal setting Post' Link party each month. I am super bad at remembering what goals I set and figured if I blogged them...I'd remember better. And you all can check in with me to keep my accountable to them.♥

Monthly Goals 
 You can join in too...just click on the photo it will take you to the original link up for the month.

  1. make stock for up coming show & to stock shop
  2. make, photograph, & list NEW products
  3. Type up & send out first Krazy Newletter
  4. Make myself a dress with the gifts hubby has given me
  5. organize & clean up my closet 
So, it is only 5 goals and I know it seems short. That way I know I can get each one accomplished! Are you joining the the "goal" setting challenge? Share a link to your post below - I'd love to read it! 
